Site Description
"Garden Alcove" is one of four defined areas for potential garden installations, located in a setback sidewalk zone with sunny southern exposure and a towering mature tree canopy. Entrants are also welcome to propose alternative sites within this block. Note that the south lane of Graham Avenue must remain open for emergency vehicle access. Installations are not required to use the entirety of any site.
Site Conditions
Setback area with benches and garden beds along the north sidewalk
A wrought iron fence separates the installation area from the church property
The limestone and stained glass façade of the gothic-revival of church is a prominent backdrop to this site
Mature tall trees tower above, offering considerable open vertical space
Pedestrian right-of-way must be maintained (as shown in site plan)
This is the sunniest section of the block
Site Photos

Site Plan - Existing

Site Plan - After June 29th