Site Description
"Tree Grove and Ventilation Platform" is one of four defined areas for potential garden installations that includes a low grove-like tree canopy and a curious raised ventilation platform. Entrants are also welcome to propose alternative sites within this block. Note that the south lane of Graham Avenue must remain open for emergency vehicle access. Installations are not required to use the entirety of any site.
Site Conditions
Two large mulch-covered areas with existing low tree canopy bookend a raised concrete-sided and metal grate-covered ventilation platform
All transit infrastructure will be removed, including the bus shelter shown in front of the ventilation platform, signage, and benches
Electrical is available at the base of some trees
Plaza-like area with angular pavement detailing and pavers in front of the west-most stand of trees
Must maintain pedestrian right-of-way (as shown in site plan)
Potential for installation in and around mulch tree areas
Possibility for installation on or suspension above the ventilation platform (extent tbd at design detail stage)
Site Photos

Site Plan - Existing

Site Plan - After June 29th