Site Description
"Reimagined Bus Stop" is one of four defined areas for potential garden installations, located at the northeast corner of Donald Street and Graham Avenue. Entrants are also welcome to propose alternative sites within this block. Note that the south lane of Graham Avenue must remain open for emergency vehicle access. Installations are not required to use the entirety of any site.
Site Conditions
All transit infrastructure, including the bus shelter, signage, and benches will be removed
Possibility for bus shelter anchor points to remain
Concrete pavement surface
Pedestrian right-of-way must be maintained (see site plan)
Potential for installations to extend into the street, up to 10 feet maximum (see site plan)
Potential for installations that span overhead of the pedestrian right-of-way
Consider how installations could breathe new life into a concrete island that was once one of The City’s busiest bus stops
Site Photos

Site Plan - Existing

Site Plan - After June 29th