This year’s Winnipeg Design Festival (WDF) boldly embraces under PRESSURE: climate conscious design + build, drawing inspiration from the iconic David Bowie and Queen anthem. It aims to ignite discussions, spur action, and promote collaboration on climate-conscious design + build, envisioning the future of Winnipeg 150 years from now. The festival, running throughout September 2024, will include a series of workshops, tours, installations, and public events for all ages including opportunities to participate in the construction of a 3D map of our dream city.
Storefront welcomes Fête Jockey Events as the 2024 curation team. Led by visual artist Jennie O and theatre artist Andraea Sartison, Fête Jockey is an artist-driven event company responsible for some of the province’s most popular festivals, events and artistic initiatives. www.fetejockey.com​​