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Curry Building, 245 Portage Avenue

Saturday, April 23, 10-4pm

Anchor 1

Storefront MB is looking forward to hosting a handful of local makers, creators, and designers at the Design Month HQ at 245 Portage Ave. for a colourful and fun MAKER MARKET!

Join us and indulge in this design-focused maker market, where we’ve brought together a curated selection of local designers with a design focus.

All Storefront Design Month programming is FREE and open to the public.

Local vendors include:

• Kevin Fawley @kevinfawley_art | A local architect and creator who creates unique post-apocalyptic pieces.
• DConstruct @dconstructjewelry | A team of local jewelry makers who specialize in the design and manufacturing of eco-friendly designs, made of recycled resin.
• Kami Goertz @kamigoertz | An art maker, specializing in the creation of unique toys as art objects and sculptures.
• Indigo Arrows @indigo_arrows | An interior designer who designs linens, pillows, and blankets that showcase patterns from local Indigenous pottery and bone tools.
• Painted House Pottery @paintedhousepottery | A local creative collab between a plant biologist and architect, with a shared passion for pottery.
• Florence van Dijk @florence_botanicals | A local artisanal floral designer.
• The Ba.sic Shoppe @theba.sic | A sister duo who create minimalist home goods.
• Ginger and Stone @gingerandstone | A local architect who specializes in handmade canvas products and accessories.
• Happyland Print Company @happylandprintshop | Local makers who specialize in art and wearables that capture quirky and fun Wpg nuances.
• Evi Ten @evi_ten_ | A local maker specializing in straight forward and functional design.
• Bearface General Store @bearfacegeneralstore | A collective of friends who make apparel, gifts, and fun locally inspired graphics.
• And more!

Storefront Manitoba

PO Box 27001 Winnipeg Square

Winnipeg MB

R3C 4T3

Instagram @storefront_mb

facebook @storefrontmb

twitter @storefrontMB1

Storefront Manitoba would not be possible without the ongoing support of our primary funder, the Manitoba Association of Architects, as well as many generous donors, sponsors, partners, volunteers, and participants.

© 2024 by Storefront Manitoba Inc.

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